A compass watch bezel is a rotating ring or scale surrounding the watch face, marked with cardinal directions (N, S, E, W). It is a valuable tool for approximate navigation in outdoor activities. However, it needs to be more accurate and reliable than a dedicated compass or GPS device due to factors like magnetic interference and the absence of declination adjustments. So why a compass watch in the first place? For starters, the Wildsider is charged by light and lasts up to six months on a full charge, equalling approximately six hours of charging. You don't have to plug it in, and if your phone is dead and you don't have a compass in your pocket, you better wear a...
TIME TO UNPACK THE VENTURIAN CASE DESIGN What is the significance of a watch's case? The short answer is—everything. It is so significant, in fact, that some consider it the most critical design consideration. Either way, it does set the tone for the watch's story and first impression. "The watch case is like the face of a person. It's the first thing you notice and needs to make a good impression." - Jean-Marc Wiederrecht, founder of Agenhor, a watch movement development company. Here is a play-by-play for the Venturian watch case design and the design and style considerations that went into each decision. The overall aesthetic is often the most visible and prominent part of any watch, so it plays...
An overiew of my new fat bike — a FRAMED Minnesota LTD 27.5 as well as a few time stealers that can sack your precious time drafted for one of the bezel mantras on the Wildsider, "TAKE BACK TIME".
Anything great requires effort and hard work. Alpine Touring is no different with access to back country ski or snowboard lines you are under your own power. This is a wildly challenging way in which to ski far from the noise and bustle of a ski area or resort. Here it is serene, tranquil and often peaceful. Yes, it can be stormy with winds blasting at the skin track or whipping straight into your face, but then you find the quiet side of the mountain. The winds are left behind as you find your way to the top of a tree run. Here is where the fun begins. I often get asked, “What is ski touring”? It is simply skiing...